The RAD Lab conducts research surrounding adolescent depression, mood disorders, self-harm, and suicide. In addition, the lab has a special focus on brain development across adolescence. 

If you are interested in participating in a study or would like more information, please contact us at [email protected]

The lab has a number of active studies at any given time. See below for more information about current studies and opportunities:

Native American Young Adult Study

Brightly colored imagine of a jingle dress dancer performing at a Pow Wow


  • 18-25 years of age
  • Identify as Native American
  • Ever experienced thoughts of death or suicide

About the Study:

Our research seeks to understand the factors that increase and decrease thoughts of death for Native American young people. Our ultimate goal is to improve suicide prevention efforts and save lives.

For more information, please visit our page dedicated to the Native American Young Adult Study

Imagination Central

Watercolor art of a neuron


  • 13-17 years of age

About the Study:

University of Minnesota researchers are studying ways to understand, measure and promote creativity in adolescents. This research study consists of a free weekly arts and science course at the University of Minnesota. Alongside college students, teens will discover and fully express their own imagination through creative arts activities while helping scientists and artists create new ways to measure creativity in the brain. 

For more information, please visit our page dedicated to the Imagination Central Study.

SMARTMind Study



  • Coming soon...

About the Study:

Coming soon... 

For more information, please visit our page dedicated to the SMARTMind Study.